Presentation of the Graduate Program

Graduate program - DU

The ITI program provides master students and PhD students with a research-oriented training dedicated to mathematics and its application in various scientific fields. This program is carried out over two years and comes in addition to the courses offered by 9 associated master tracks of the mathematics, computer science and physics departments of the University of Strasbourg. The students will gain a broader view of the research activity as well as specific skills for conducting interdisciplinary collaborations.

This program is certified by a university diploma (DU - Diplôme d’Université) of the University of Strasbourg, called “Mathematics and applications: research and interactions”.

All courses and exams are conducted in English.

Interdisciplinary seminar (first year)

Researchers from Strasbourg or other universities in France or abroad, whose core subjects are not necessarily mathematics or computer science but who use them in their research, present their work and the techniques they use. Students will gain a panoramic view of the use of mathematics and computing in science. Subjects can be as diverse as cryptography, mathematical modeling for the environment, statistics for medicine…

Program 2024 :
Sept. 12th : Adaptive Mesh Refinement: analysis and applications - Thomas BELLOTTI and Clément STAHL
Sept. 26th : Mesh generation and skeleton - Julie DIGNE and Pierre KRAEMER
Oct. 10th : Biological neural networks - Eva LÖCHERBACH and Christophe POUZAT
Oct. 24th : Computer algebra and certified orbital collision probability - Mioara JOLDES and Bruno SALVY
Nov. 7th : Astrophysics and geometry - Amel DUKAROVIC and Charles FRANCES
Nov. 21st : TBA
Dec. 5th : TBA

The program of past years is available here.

One-week training school (second year)

This Workshop, intended for M2 and PhD students, presents specific topics that are transverse to the partner masters. Its takes place in September, at the beginning of the 2nd year.

Information about the 2024 edition "New Trends in Computing" (program, registration) is available here :

The program of past years is available here.

Interdisciplinary project (second year)

These projects are the continuation of the training school. They last over the first semester and are conducted by groups of 2 or 3 students with different scientific backgrounds. This creates strong connections between students and stimulates exchange of knowledge and methods. By comparing their knowledge each together, they gain more hindsight on their own discipline. Moreover, they will learn to carry out an interdisciplinary project by defining both a general common problematic and then related sub-problems where methods coming from the different disciplines could be fruitful.

Mathematics and applications courses (first or second year)

In each partner Master, a few courses are labelled “Mathematics and applications”. The students have to validate these courses with a minimal score of 12/20.

Associated masters

The graduate program is associated to the following tracks and master degrees : if you are a Master student, you need to follow one of these tracks in order to be eligible for IRMIA++ graduate program application.

You can choose between 4 tracks of the master degree of mathematics of the mathematics departement, 2 tracks of the master degree of computer science of the computer science department, 2 tracks of the master degree of physics and 1 track of the master degree of applied physics of the physics department :

Computer Science

Master grants

Graduate program students can apply for specific master grants. Please visit the dedicated page for more information.

UFR de mathématique et d'informatique
Faculté de physique et ingénierie
Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg