For any request under 2000€ and for a faster examination of your application, we invite you to use directly the light funding request form to be downloaded here. This form must be sent to iti-irmiapp[at]
Page contents
Description of the call
This program aims to support interdisciplinary traning projects on mathematics and its applications within the IRMIA ++ consortium. It should reinforce the existing training offer with ambitious and innovative projects in teaching and outreach.
Eligible expenses
The means requested can concern:
- Summer schools and master classes organization,
- Remarkable proposal of courses (master and PhD level) or any innovative project about training,
- Outreach actions.
Selection criteria
The three main selection criteria will be:
- The complementarity and contribution of the project with respect to the existing training offer,
- The innovative aspects of the project,
- The interdisciplinary aspects of the project.
In some cases, the scientific experts committee will review the application.
Application procedure
The application file must be sent by email only (see address below) and consists in a file in English, PDF format and of 5 pages maximum (without annex). It must include the following elements:
- Project title
- Contact details of the coordinator(s),
- Description of the project, its content and the target public (level and number of persons),
- Project articulation with the IRMIA ++ project,
- Complete financial description: budget estimation, requested and obtained co-financing sources, project duration,
- Annex: CV of the coordinator(s) and/or the speaker(s), Schedule, Bibliography.
Contact / Application adress : iti-irmiapp[at]
Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis.