If you are a candidate looking for PhD position, please visit Jobs-PhD Position section.
Page contents
Description of the call
This program aims to support interdisciplinary doctoral projects on mathematics and its applications, as well as international co-supervision, within the laboratories of the IRMIA ++ consortium. The PhD studies in the selected projects will be carried out within ED 269 (MSII) or ED 182 (PCP).
At least 2 contracts (3 in the case of very good interdisciplinary projects) will be awarded, and a waiting list will be drawn up.
Eligibility criteria
The means requested only concern the salary of a doctoral student for a period of 3 years.
The complete application must present a PhD Candidate.
At least one of the PhD supervisors must be part of an ITI IRMIA++ associated team.
The selected PhD candidates will have to follow the IRMIA++ Graduate Program.
Selection criteria
The main ranking criterion will be the excellence of the proposals and the candidate.
Particular attention will be paid to the development of the IRMIA ++ project (development of interactions between ITI partners, international collaborations).
Application process in 2 phases
Applications are submitted in 2 consecutive phases:
Phase 1 - Submission of thesis subject by supervisor
The ITI IRMIA++ supervisor must submit the thesis subject on the online form by choosing the following sections:
PhD Position Call for projects / Supervisor - member of ITI IRMIA++ / Phase 1 - Subject submission
Please click on the button below to access the form:
Online form
The following information is required:
-Title and brief description of thesis project in English and French
5000 characters maximum
-Mathematical and scientific skills required
-Potential interactions with other ITI teams and disciplines
Deadline for subject submission - Phase 1: April 04, 2025
Thesis topics received will be published in the Positions section of the IRMIA++ website in order to find candidates.
Applications received by the ITI will be forwarded to the supervisor, but the latter may personnaly undertake the search for a candidate.
Phase 2 - Submission of a complete application (project and PhD candidate) by the supervisor
Once the subject has been submitted in phase 1, the selection of the potential candidate is left to the supervisor(s).
Once the candidate has been selected, the supervisor submits the complete application via the online form, choosing the following sections:
PhD Position Call for projects / Supervisor - member of ITI IRMIA++ / Phase 2 - Complete application (project and PhD candidate)
Please click on the button below to access the form:
Online form
The following information and documents are required:
-A document in English containing the scientific description of the thesis project, its articulation with the ITI and local and external collaborators
Font size 10/12 - 5 pages maximum without bibliographical references
PDF format - 10Mb maximum
-The CV of each supervisor
PDF format - 10Mb maximum per file
-The CV of the candidate
PDF format - 10Mb maximum per file
-The candidate's Master's transcripts
PDF format - 10Mb maximum per file
-An explicit letter of support from the supervisor to the candidate presented
PDF format - 10Mb maximum
-Any letters of recommendation (internship supervisor, teacher, ...)
PDF format - 10Mb maximum per file
-The desired start date of the doctoral contract
-Possible ways of co-financing the thesis
Deadline for complete application - Phase 2: April 21, 2025
Applications and documents received by e-mail will not be considered.
The applications received will be examined by the ITI IRMIA++ expert committee in May 2025.
The ITI IRMIA++ steering committee will make its decision in June 2025.
Contact / Information : iti-irmiapp[at]unistra.fr