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Page contents
This annual call for projects is now closed, and will reopen in February 2025.
The information presented below relates to the previous call in 2024.
Description of the call
This program aims to support interdisciplinary doctoral projects on mathematics and its applications, as well as international co-supervision, within the laboratories of the IRMIA ++ consortium. The PhD studies in the selected projects will be carried out within ED 269 (MSII) or ED 182 (PCP).
A maximum of 3 projects will be placed on the main list, and a waiting list will be established.
Eligibility criteria
The means requested only concern the salary of a doctoral student for a period of 3 years.
The complete application must present a PhD Candidate.
At least one of the PhD supervisors must be part of an ITI IRMIA++ associated team.
The selected PhD candidate will have to follow the IRMIA++ Graduate Program.
Selection criteria
The main ranking criterion will be the excellence of the proposals and the candidate.
Particular attention will be paid to the development of the IRMIA ++ project (development of interactions between ITI partners, international collaborations).
Application process in 2 steps
Step 1: Preliminary step
Prior to the complete application, researchers who are interested in proposing a PhD subject in this call must fill a presubmission sheet, in english and in french.
The template for this document is available in Word and LATEX formats to choose from:
The pre-submission form should be sent as soon as possible, preferably before March 01, 2024.
From this date, the content of the received forms will be published in the Jobs section of the IRMIA++ website in order to call for candidate application for each subject.
Step 2: Application file
After transmission of the thesis subject via the pre-submission form, the selection of the potential candidate is left to the supervisor(s). Once the candidate has been selected, the thesis director submits the complete application file before May, 03 2024.
This file consists in a scientific file in English in PDF format. It must include the following elements:
- Project title
- Contact details of the supervisor(s),
- Description of the research project, its challenges, its scientific context and its articulation with the IRMIA ++ project (5 pages maximum),
- CV of the supervisor(s),
- If there are several supervisors, the respective involvement of the various supervisors in the project (e.g. as a percentage),
- For each supervisor, the total number of PhD students he/she will be supervising on September 1, 2024 (weighted by a percentage in the case of co-supervision/co-direction),
- CV and transcript of Master's degree records (M1 and M2) of the prospective candidate,
- Annex: bibliography, support letter (from M2 thesis or internship supervisor).
All the documents must be sent in PDF format to iti-irmiapp[at]unistra.fr.
Provisional schedule:
Date of publication of PhD subjects (from presubmission sheets): from March 01st, 2024.
Deadline for the reception of complete application (with PhD candidate): May 03rd, 2024.
Review of proposals by the IRMIA++ expert committee: Early June 2024
Final decision: Mid-June 2024