ICube teams

With around 650 members, Engineering science, computer science and imaging laboratory (UMR 7357) ICube is a major driving force for research in Strasbourg. It encompasses all computer scientists at Université de Strasbourg and brings together researchers of the university, the CNRS, the ENGEES and the INSA of Strasbourg in the fields of engineering science and computer science, with imaging and environment as the unifying themes.

External link to Icube website

The following research teams are associated to the IRMIA++ Institute, and represent 35 permanent members and 40 PhD students.

IGG team  Computer Graphics and Geometry team

The IGG team (Computer Graphics and Geometry) is historically the first computer science research group of Strasbourg. The IGG team aims to define efficient geometric models, taking into account a wide range of data (constraints, medical imaging, digitization, motion capture), to conceive and reproduce the shape, appearance and movement of 3D objects for visualization, simulation and interaction in virtual environments. The HCERES evaluation report of 2017 notes that IGG team specificity is to consider theoretical aspects relating to Mathematics and Theoretical Informatics (topological, combinatorial and embedding aspects) which allows it to build high-performance tools to tackle complex problems and also to develop applications while having excellent results in both activities. It notes that, for several years now, the IGG team has been developing highly original approaches, both in France and abroad, while being anchored in the theoretical aspects of Computer Science and Geometry. IGG team has built a remarkable set of software tools for formal specifications and proof as well as development environments on which it has been able to develop a solid, rich and varied application framework (from computer-aided teaching to medical simulation and heritage digitization), often in the context of international academic collaborations at the highest level and also in projects with academics and/or industrialists ranging from internal to ICube to international.

External link to IGG team website

ICPS team  Parallel and Scientific Computing team

The central and original theme of ICPS team is parallel programming and efficiency, in particular the automatic parallelization and optimization of programs. It is one of the leading groups worldwide for polyhedral optimization and one of the members is co-editor for the C programming standard at ISO. The group’s activities cover theoretical aspects, e.g. of compilation, program transformations or of the usage of compute grids and clouds, as well as practical aspects at the interface to other disciplines, such as fluid mechanics, bio-medicine or applied mathematics. The group tackles essential challenges of the evolution of current computer science: the arrival of multi-core processors and accelerators of tens or even hundreds cores imposes the parallelization of software in an unprecedented way; the programming of grids and clouds meets essential problems for the distribution of computation; numeric simulation, visualization and handling of large data are major keys for scientific progress.

External link to ICPS team website

IMAGeS-GDMM group  Images, Learning, Geometry and Statistics team IMAGeS, "Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology" group

The “Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology” Reseach group of IMAGeS team studies digital geometries and topologies as well as discrete tomography. The mathematical tools that are developed are adapted to image analysis and synthesis. The aims are, on the one hand, to build a robust and performing algorithmic in imaging, controlling processing errors related to the use of real numbers, and, on the other hand, to develop tools for studying different properties (differential, geometrical and topological) of both discrete and Euclidean objects. More generally, the team studies the transfers of properties between Euclidean spaces representing “reality" and discrete spaces belonging to the computer. The research activities are structured along the following axes: Discretization models for objects and operators; Reconstruction of characteristics and objects (estimation of geometrical parameters, reconstruction of Euclidean properties, discrete tomography); Digital topology, with a view to applications in medical imaging. The preferred application area in Discrete Geometry theme is currently biomedical imaging, but we are also pursuing work in remote sensing imagery.

External link to IMAGeS team website

MécaFlu-Turbulence group  Fluid mechanics team MécaFlu-ICube, "Turbulence, Instabilities and Multiphase flows” group

The “Turbulence, Instability and Multiphase Flow” Research group of the MecaFlu team focuses on multiphase transport phenomena in terms of instabilities caused by particle motion, effects of turbulence, phase change, interfaces and free surfaces, and complex geometries. Many fluid problems are investigated numerically with CFD solvers and HPC. Wake instabilities and their effect on the trajectory of particles moving in fluids under the effect of gravity are studied with a specific spectral code developed on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the axisymmetry breakage due to the transition to turbulence. Aerodynamic problems like the prediction of unsteady turbulent flows on complex geometries with advanced hybrid RANS-LES modeling, icing modeling with a very innovative approach based on the use of the Level-Set formulation for multi-step icing, fluid-structure interactions for the control of aerodynamics performances of airplanes, shockwave boundary layers interaction are investigated through the numerical development of the NSMB solver within a European consortium. Free surface flow with particle transport and deposition is also an important topic of the group for the design of separatary and unitary wastewater systems.

External link to MécaFlu-Turbulence group website

UFR de mathématique et d'informatique
Faculté de physique et ingénierie
Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg